“Do all the people in your house who wear deodorant have their own deodorant, or do they use the same deodorant stick?”
That’s the question a mother randomly asked her 90,000 followers on TikTok this week.
“At first, I was a little surprised,” but then she said, “Let me explain why I’m asking you this…” so I relaxed, hoping there was some perfectly rational reason behind her question other than the fact that she she herself shares deodorant with her family.
But I was wrong.
So, so wrong.
“Why would we have our own deodorant?”
“So I’m in the shower last night and my husband comes in to get ready for work and he’s like, ‘I can’t find my deodorant,’ and I’m like, ‘It’s in the drawer where it always is,'” mom Ellie says. .
Her husband then suggested that their son might be the culprit and had removed “their” deodorant from the bathroom.
So, yes, by this point, we’ve come to learn that this is indeed a deodorant-dispensing family, and she’s not just asking her followers this question as a hypothetical or because she’s running out of content ideas.
The husband, growing increasingly frustrated that he can’t find joint deodorant, asks Ellie why they can’t just have their sticks.
“Why would we have our own deodorants? I’m not paying for another stick of deodorant,” she replies, looking genuinely confused by the suggestion.
The husband replies, “I know this is hard, right?”
But alas, she doesn’t think it’s gross at all, which is why she forced the whole group to wear deodorant in the first place.
“The girls and I also share deodorant, and that’s not a bad thing,” she insists, but her husband argued that it’s “different for boys” as they have armpit hair.
The mother, who I’m now convinced also shares her underwear, claims that even if she had armpit hair, she would continue to exchange pit fluids with her offspring.
“I’m not buying five to eight deodorant sticks every month,” she exclaims. “I would have to put extra money into our budget because we all use clinical strength deodorant. That’s like $15 to $20 for one thing.”
No judgment here, but this mom just admitted she had one extra-sweaty family and still won’t invest in individual sticks?!
Okay, maybe a little judgement.
She then ended her clip in a way that all unconscious people do and asked, “Am I crazy? Am I delusional?”
“What about on the ground?”
Thankfully, out of the 2.5 million viewers, some of them spoke up and shared it with their mother.
“I’ve been poor, I mean poor poor, but I’ve never shared a deodorant,” said one.
And someone else added: “My mom was a single mom, we lived in a shack and we still had our deodorant.”
“What on earth, I’ve never heard of deodorant sharing,” wrote a third.
Others pointed out that the mother has dyed her hair blonde, her eyebrows are perfectly shaped, she has false eyelashes and maybe she has had some cosmetic surgery.
“Seriously, just pay a little extra and give your kids their own deodorant,” urged one comment. “And maybe spend less on your appearance.”
“Toothbrushes, razors, hairbrushes and deodorant are not a shared product,” someone else commented. “What if someone had a staph infection or impetigo?
Mom answers the deodorant question
After the backlash, the mom, who asked for opinions but clearly didn’t want them, made a follow-up video.
“We all apply it straight from the shower. Don’t you people do that?” she said. “Don’t you apply directly to clean armpits after showering?”
“Nobody’s going to go in there with sweaty armpits and putting on deodorant. If we have sweaty armpits, we are showering and then putting it on clean armpits.
“There’s nothing like sharing used toilet paper. There’s nothing like sharing a crazy toothbrush.”
Okay, while I’m not convinced by her excuse, I think it’s a little less weird when you think of it that way.
I still can’t help but wonder, if you’re going to share, why not just buy spray?!
#Mom #sparks #backlash #revealing #family #shares #deodorant #paying #stick
Image Source : nypost.com