I took the birthday cake I gave to my nephew after his father criticized him

A woman has taken to Reddit to ask if she’s wrong to take the birthday cake she bought her nephew and cause a lot of family drama along the way.

“I (30F) was asked by my sister (35F) to buy a birthday cake for my nine-year-old nephew’s party,” she begins her post.

“I was so excited and chose a Minecraft pig cake because it’s his favorite game and animal. The cake was bright pink because that’s the color of the pig in the game.”

The woman said she arrived at her sister’s house early with the cake to “socialize and relax with a few drinks” before the children arrived.

She brought her a case of “canned fruit vodka waters” called Mum Water, which look like fizzy waters but aren’t fizzy.

“I didn’t think it would be a problem”

“My sister said the cake looked amazing, and I put the drinks in her fridge before opening one to enjoy while she was done,” she continued.

“A few minutes later, my brother-in-law (35 M) entered the kitchen and, without acknowledging me, immediately started criticizing the cake. He insisted it had to be blue because it was for a boy and said he “knew what I was trying to do”. I was surprised and didn’t know what to say.

A woman took her nephew’s birthday cake after his brother-in-law criticized him. Reddit

“He was acting like the color of the cake was a big deal, which I thought was irrelevant, especially since the party was supposed to be for my nephew. I don’t see them often, so I wanted the day to go smoothly.”

‘My sister blamed me for ruining his sobriety’

She says she usually tries to avoid conflict with her brother-in-law because she doesn’t want to cause stress for her sister. He has been through a lot, including “serious problems with alcohol” even though he has been sober for seven years.

“At this point, I felt disrespected and decided that if he didn’t appreciate the cake I bought, then they didn’t need to have it. “My sister ignored him and asked for his help in the living room,” she continued.

“I quietly took the cake to the car and drove home. I didn’t check my phone right away and waited a while before calling my sister. When I did, she picked it up almost immediately and was crying. Apparently my brother-in-law had drunk all six Mum Waters without realizing they were alcoholic and got way too drunk in front of the other parents at the party.

“My sister was upset and blamed me for breaking his temper because I hadn’t told her the drinks were alcoholic. I feel guilty about what happened and I understand why she is upset, but I honestly find it hard to believe that he didn’t realize the drinks had alcohol in them. Part of me thinks he might have known.”

The brother-in-law said the cake should be blue because it was for a boy.
The brother-in-law (not pictured) said the cake should be blue because it was for a boy. DragonImages – stock.adobe.com

She then asks the internet to assess the chaotic situation and decide if she is wrong or not.

The main commentator argued that she was the chick in the situation, but not for the reason you might think.

They said, “YOTA. Not because you bought the cake, not because you brought the drinks (unless you know or were told they don’t allow alcohol in the house), not because BIL got drunk (unless you knew not to bring alcohol in the house), because he understood absolutely that the drinks had alcohol after the first few sips.

“YTA for taking the cake. You condemned and punished your nephew because his father was an ass to you. You left an eight-year-old without a cake on his birthday. It was senseless.”

Someone else agreed: “That’s it in a nutshell. Children will remember this for the rest of their lives. Leaving was fine, just leave the damn cake. So they have it.”

However, this person had a different opinion, saying, “Look, the child will remember that his father embarrassed him in front of his peers because his father is a drunk. Cake is the least of that child’s problems. Mother she’s an instigator and she blames the wrong person.”

And this person voted for “ESH” or “everyone here is mean”: “I totally understand why you left, but damn, you really screw your poor nephew. Sure, his dad is an abusive drunk, but now the kid I know he can’t even count on you. And your sister is a coward.”

#birthday #cake #gave #nephew #father #criticized
Image Source : nypost.com

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